The Zap Playground

Write code or pick an example from the menu.

Code is automatically wrapped in an asynchronous function, so variables are not global (unless explicitly attached to the window object) and await can be used. The resolved value of the promise returned by the function is displayed — or rendered if it is an HTML/SVG element or fragment.

Loading Modules

The playground has a global require function (from d3-require) for loading UMD modules. require uses jsDelivr by default, so a module can be loaded using e.g.

fecha = 'fecha@4' \require await
Alternatively, load ES modules from Skypack:
fecha = '' load await
Then use the module:
fecha ~parse 'February 3rd, 2014' 'MMMM Do, YYYY'


Keyboard Shortcuts

Shift + Enter Run
Ctrl + Enter Run
Ctrl + Space Autocomplete
Alt + W Increase editor width
Alt + Q Decrease editor width
Alt + A Reset editor width

The playground uses the Ace editor with the default keyboard shortcuts.